Blog author: Steve McGregor, Group MD
My drive to Port of Dover (PoD) last Thursday was torrid with high winds and torrential downpours, but I was travelling to meet our senior executive customers, Chris Hughes, Director of Procurement & PMO and Antony Yates CEng FIET FRAeS, Infrastructure & Engineering Director.
Arriving into the warm, dry entrance foyer of Harbour House, the pride in their 400 year history is abundantly clear, evidenced by a list of Chairmen dating back to 1606, under a Royal Charter from King Charles I.
Our meeting took place in their historic Boardroom, and I soon became equally proud in what our great team at DMA Group have achieved over the last 11 months. Since taking over from a struggling national incumbent, and in close collaboration with the dedicated PoD teams, we’ve now achieved huge quality improvements, underpinned by stability, consistency and process discipline enabled via our unique BiO® platform enabled process automation, real-time dashboards and our automated ‘calls to action’, all brought to life by a fully restructured resident team.
That fabulous team continue to make a difference every day, so it was great to meet some of them later that day and to witness their ‘business as usual’ contributions within the UK’s busiest port, through which 30% of our UK trade flows!
Very well done to every one of our great people, who routinely deliver great service to achieve great results for our valued PoD customers.
Great job team DMA!