Real change is coming! - DMA Group
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Making buildings work, keeping people safe and remaining legally compliant is tough, complex and often more expensive than it needs to be. What’s more, get it wrong and you could wind up in hot water!

Off-the-shelf computerised systems have helped, but in 20 years of using them, we’ve never found what we need, so fed up with compromising, we’ve invested over £1million to create our own proprietary system, BiO®.

Our CTO, leaders, managers, engineers and partners collaborated over 3 years to build a game-changer. Customers will have full access on any device, anywhere, anytime at no cost. With real-time transparency you’ll always know what’s going on in your buildings, right down to who’s attending, their identity & qualifications plus immediate access to their service reports and certification.

Now more than ever, cutting costs really matters and DMA Group can help you. We’ve re-engineered & automated every business process to realise incredible efficiency gains so we can drive your maintenance costs down, permanently.

The customer benefits are many, including A-to-Z transparency, complete control, simplification, guaranteed statutory compliance, much better service and savings too. Contact to find out more.